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Faculty of Information technology and Electronics



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Opening statement about the department

The department conducts training at the levels of higher education bachelor and master in full-time and part-time education in the specialty:

151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”

General information about the department

The Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems has passed a long way of its formation since 1962, has been dynamically developing all the years of its existence and is actively working today.

The department trains specialists in accordance with the new composition of educational and scientific specialties in educational programs.

A great role in the formation of the department belongs to the teachers who laid the foundation, formed traditions and values. It is the enthusiasm, creative attitude to teaching and to students, conscientiousness, high efficiency, responsibility, professionalism, erudition, general culture and intelligence that contributed to the growth of the authority of the departments, their scientific potential, the accumulation of teaching experience and allowed to preserve the long-term potential of the Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems in the modern conditions of the university.

The department teaches a large number of disciplines not only to students of their direction, but also to students of other specialties. The main teaching staff of the department has experience in specialized industries. The main purpose of the department is to provide future specialists with skills in automation and development of computer-integrated production control systems.

History of the department

The Department of Automation of Technological Processes was founded in 1962 as the Department of Automation of Chemical Production of the Rubizhne Branch of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and renamed to the Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems in 2007.

Disciplines taught by the department:

Automation and software CICS

Theory of automatic control

Electrical and non-electrical measurements

Electrical engineering and electromechanics

Electronics and microprocessor technology

Fundamentals of computer-integrated control

Identification and modeling of technological objects

Intelligent systems of automation of technological processes Automation of technological processes and productions

Metrology, technological measurements and instruments

Microcontrollers and their programming

Technical means of automation

Technical programming and software and hardware complexes

Automation of production processes

Automated process control systems in chemical industries

Automation of technological processes in the industry

Computer-integrated control systems of technological processes

Computer-integrated technologies

Control and management of chemical and technological processes

Methods of modern control theory

Design of automation systems

Design and installation of automated control systems

Fundamentals of computer aided design systems

Computer aided design systems

Special means of automation

Modeling of complex systems

Microprocessor technology

Teachers of the department

1. Yosyp Stenzel, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine

2. Olha Porkuian, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

3. Olena Prokaza, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

4. Tetiana Sotnikova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

5. Kostiantyn Lytvinov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

6. Olena Kuznetsova, senior lecturer

Scientific work

The scientific work of the department covers a wide range of areas.

Scientific schools were created under the leadership of professors Yosyp Stensel and Olha Porkuian. These schools are engaged in solving urgent tasks of control and management of complex technological processes and modern methods of optimal management. Over the past three years, the staff of the department has published 2 textbooks (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), more than 84 articles, received 11 patents of Ukraine, published 97 abstracts and publications with the participation of students more than 54 students, more than 30 copyright certificates and invention patents, more than 200 scientific papers, a monograph and 6 manuals and textbooks

Faculty of Information technology and Electronics



E-mail of the department


Opening statement about the department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electronics of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, and is a family for about 200 students, 100 master’s students, 20 teachers, 10 postgraduate researchers and 5 administrative and technical staff. 

The main task of the department is to train professionals in the field of computer science, engineering and information technology, who are able to successfully solve the tasks, effectively use the acquired knowledge and skills.

General information about the department

The department provides fundamental and professionally oriented training of specialists at the levels of higher education Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Philosophy in full-time and part-time forms of education. 

Doctors of Philosophy are trained in the specialty:

122 – Computer Science.

Master’s training is conducted in the following specialties: 

122 – Computer Science

123 – Computer engineering

Bachelor’s training is conducted in the following areas:

122 – Computer Science

123 – Computer engineering

125 – Cybersecurity

Directions of scientific activity of the department:

– Machine learning, robotics and computer vision

– Medical informatics

– Human cognition and artificial intelligence

– IT in industry, security and ecology

– Cybersecurity of critical infrastructures

– Smart city technologies and Internet of Things (IoT)

The department maintains contacts with enterprises engaged in the development and implementation of modern information technologies. Thanks to this, students of 2-5 courses have the opportunity to practice at the best enterprises of the region, take an active part in the scientific work of the department, in scientific conferences, seminars. 

Students of the department are active participants and repeated winners of all-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers, programming competitions. Most graduates of the department work in their specialties and hold various positions in the field of IT: management of IT departments and IT companies, software development, testing, development of computer games, administration of computer networks, etc. Over the years, the department has trained many highly qualified specialists for enterprises in the field of IT, who successfully work in Ukraine and abroad.

Scientific events:

Every year the department organizes the international symposium AIRS2: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Robotics and Smart Systems, holds the IT Idea Forum, which combines the demonstration of the best practical developments and research projects of young scientists of eastern Ukraine and the regional IT Resources Fair. 

Every two years the department organizes the international conference TACSIT: Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Information Technology, which highlights the latest achievements and scientific developments in the field of IT.

History of the department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was founded in 1984 as the Department of “Electronic Computers” of the Sievierodonetsk Faculty of Computing Complexes and Systems (CCS) of the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

Since 1993, the department has been operating on the basis of East Ukrainian State University (since 1994 as part of the Sievierodonetsk Institute of Technology, since 2015 – Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University). 

From the beginning of its foundation, the main direction of the department was the training of specialists in the field of computer engineering. At the moment – bachelors and masters in the specialties 122 – Computer Science and 123 – Computer Engineering. 

Postgraduate studies have been opened at the department since 2002 in the specialty “Management Systems and Processes”, and since 2016 in the specialty “Computer Science and Information Technology”. 

Now the department provides a full cycle of training specialists in the specialty 122 “Computer Science” – from bachelor to doctor of philosophy.

For many years the department successfully cooperates with: PJSC “SNVO “Impulse”; Center of information technologies and telecommunications of PJSC “Sievierodonetsk Azot Association”; Department of Computer Engineering Automation of KhNURE; Department of Computer Systems and Networks of Zhukovsky NAU “KhAI”; Pukhov Institute of Modeling Problems in Energy, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; enterprises and organizations of the region.

List of disciplines taught by the department:

Administration of computer networks 

Security of databases 

Software security and testing 

Web technologies and web design

Introduction to data mining

Introduction to interactive design 

Introduction to Python computing 

Introduction to security risk management

Ethical hacking and penetration testing 

Information security in computer systems

IT audit and risk management in the enterprise

IT for monitoring and modeling

IT and basics of information security 

Interfaces of intelligent systems

Design of intelligent systems

Multimedia systems software

Image processing software tools 


Object-oriented programming and data structures 

Computing for data analysis 

Computational intelligence 

Decision support systems 

System programming 

System software 

Current state of scientific knowledge in the specialty “Computer Science and Information Technology”

Cybersecurity of critical infrastructures 

Computer logic and finite state machines 

Computer graphics Computer electronics 

Computer modeling of processes and systems

Computer networks

Computer systems and systems engineering 

Cryptology and data protection 

Cross-platform programming 

Machine learning 

Methods of intellectual data analysis 

Methods of software protection

Methods of database design and protection 

Methods of artificial intelligence 

Methodology of information technologies implementation at the enterprise  

Network and Internet security 

Microcontrollers and programming of embedded systems

Operating systems

Operating systems of parallel information processing 

Organization of databases Fundamentals of IT engineering security analysis of computer systems 

Fundamentals of computer forensics 

Parallel computing systems and environments

Software engineering and IT project management 

Software of control systems

Design of intelligent systems 

Development and analysis of computer algorithms 

Development of secure web applications 

Information theory and coding   

Theory of decision making 

Technical diagnostics of computer systems

Technologies of design and optimization of complex systems

Technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing 

Technological systems of programming automation 

System analysis and design

Digital circuitry and computer architecture 

Teachers of the department

Volodymyr Yeliseiev, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Hennadii Kryvulia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Oleksandr Riazantsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Skarha-Bandurova , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Viktor Barbaruk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tetiana Biloborodova, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Maryna Derkach, Candidate of Technical Sciences  

Volodymyr Kardashuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Viktor Larhin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Dmytro Nedzelskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Maksym Nesterov, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Svitlana Safonova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Larysa Shumova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Maryna Shcherbakova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Yevhen Shcherbakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Lina Barbaruk, Senior Lecturer 

Yana Krytska, Senior Lecturer

Olena Lyfar, Senior Lecturer

Yurii Mishchenko, Senior Lecturer

Viktoriia Derevianchenko, assistant

Scientific work

Since 2002, two scientific schools have been formed at the department.    

Under the leadership of Professor Oleksandr Riazantsev, a scientific school of system analysis of techno-zone information systems was created, which deals with solving urgent problems in the field of development of information technologies for ensuring the technogenic safety of the industrial region. The subject of research is models and methods of analysis, assessment and forecasting of negative consequences of operation of technogenically hazardous industrial facilities.

Under the guidance of Professor Oleksandr Ryazantsev 1 thesis of Doctor of Technical Sciences and 5 PhD theses were defended.

The second direction is headed by Professor Skarga-Bandurova Scientific work covers interdisciplinary research on the development and use of information technology in industry, ecology, medicine. The main focus is on machine learning and data processing technologies, in particular mathematical, computational, scientific and subject-specific methods, tools and algorithms that are applied to data to identify patterns, support decision-making, and transform data into knowledge.

Under the guidance of Skarga-Bandurova 4 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences were defended.

The research work of the teachers of the department is also carried out in the following areas: technologies of multidimensional databases; methods of automatic design of railway automation systems; methods of estimation of critical parameters and early warning of dangerous situations; organization of parallel computing; technologies for dispatching real-time tasks; testing of software for critical systems; development of specialized hardware and software for testing the security of computer systems and networks.

Subdivisions of the department

The department has two branches: at PJSC ” Sievierodonetsk Scientific and Production Association “Impulse” and at the engineering and production enterprise “Veles M”.

Faculty of Information technology and Electronics




E-mail of the department

Opening statement about the department

The department conducts full-time and part-time training at the levels of higher education bachelor’s degree in specialties 171 “Electronics”, 172 “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”, 153 “Micro- and nanosystems engineering”, as well as at the levels of higher education master’s degree in specialties 171 “Electronics”, 153 “Micro- and nanosystems engineering”

General information about the department

The emergence of the Department of Electronic Devices is due to the urgent need of enterprises and productions of the region and the country of relevant specialists in the design, development and maintenance of electronic devices and systems.

Specialists trained by the teachers of the department are always in demand in the modern labor market, which is confirmed by the practice of successful employment of our graduates at both domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership.

The department is taught by teachers who have experience in a number of technical specialties. The main purpose of the department is to acquire and use knowledge and skills in the design, management, research of technological processes in the field of electronics, micro- and nanosystems technology, radio engineering and telecommunications by future specialists.

For many years the department has been successfully cooperating with Scientific-production association “Impulse” in Sievierodonetsk, “Microtherm”, Information and Computing Center of Sievierodonetsk Association “Azot” and other enterprises and organizations of the region and Ukraine.

History of the department

The Department of Electronic Devices was founded in 1984 as the Department of Design and Production of Electronic Computing Equipment in connection with the organization of the Sievierodonetsk Faculty of Computing Complexes and Systems of the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR № 212 of 28.06.84).

Since 1987 the department has been training specialists on a full-time basis. With the introduction of new names of specialties in 1999, the department changed its name to the Department of Electronic Devices.

In 2014, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1132 from 06.10.2014 “On the organization of the educational process at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University”, the university was moved to Sievierodonetsk. Since that time, the Department of Electronic Devices is a structural subdivision of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

Disciplines taught by the department:

  • Computer sciences
  • Physical basics of electronics
  • Materials of electronic equipment
  • Theory of electric circuits
  • Solid-state electronics
  • Devices of analog electronics
  • Devices of digital electronics
  • Fundamentals of microelectronics
  • Power electronics
  • Modeling in electronics
  • Microprocessor technology
  • Methods of mathematical modeling and optimization of electronic systems
  • Power electronics
  • Fundamentals of design and reliability of electronic devices
  • Power supply devices for electronic systems
  • Microprocessor electronic systems
  • Design of electronic systems
  • Modeling of electronic devices and systems
  • Design and construction of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits
  • Devices on nanoscale and quantum effects
  • Crystallophysics and structural analysis
  • Technology of production of semiconductor materials, devices and integrated circuits
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
  • Technology of production of semiconductor materials, devices and integrated circuits

Information about the head of the department

Yurii Paerand Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Scientific specialty: 05.12.13 – Technology of production of radio engineering and communication devices.

Dissertation topic: “Investigation of the influence of technological factors on the parameters of the components of piezoceramic transducers for electromechanical filters and the development of new technological processes for their manufacture”.

Author of more than 180 published scientific and scientific-methodical works, including three textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Five PhD theses were defended under the supervision of Y.E. Paerand.

Scientific interests: Piezoelectric converters, electromechanical filters, semiconductor energy converters, high voltage sources, air ionizers.

Scientific work

The Department of Electronic Devices  pays considerable attention to the training of its own highly qualified personnel. The training of candidates and doctors of sciences is carried out in the specialty 05.13.07 “Automation of control processes”.

The department operates a research laboratory “Research of complex objects and telecommunication systems”, where, according to the work plan of the department, scientific and practical seminars and conferences are held, as well as preliminary reviews of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences and preliminary defenses of certification works.

The scientific activity of the Department covers a wide range of areas of organization and implementation of research work on state budget topics, active participation in international, national, regional and university scientific and practical conferences; preparation and publication of scientific and methodological recommendations, publications of articles and abstracts, establishment of scientific relations with higher educational institutions of Ukraine and abroad; research work of students.

E-mail of the department





Contacts: phone +380645228986, е-mail:

General information about the department

The Department of Information Technologies and Programming trains specialists who acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of information technology. The main goal of the department is to train professionals in modern software engineering, information systems and technologies. 

History of the department

The Department of Information Technologies and Programming was established by the order of the Rector on August 8, 2016 on the basis of two departments of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University: the Department of Mathematics, Computer science and Physics and the Department of Programming.  Each of these departments had its own history of formation and development for more than one decade.

Disciplines taught by the department:

Computer information technologies

Computer science

Computing engineering and programming

Higher mathematics

Mathematical analysis

Linear algebra and analytic geometry

Discrete mathematics

Numerical Methods

Probability theory and mathematical statistics

Algorithms and data structures

Intellectual data analysis

Architecture of computing systems

Management of software development projects


Web programming

Programming for mobile platforms

Programming of computer graphics

Programming and support of web applications

Internet technologies

Information technologies and systems

Geographic information systems in the industry

Operating systems and system programming

Image and multimedia processing

Database technologies

Methods of database design and protection

Databases and information systems

Organization of computer networks

Technologies of computer systems design

Scientific visualization tools


Information about the head of the department

Volodymyr Lyfar

  • doctor of technical sciences, associate professor
  • graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Odesa State University.
  • for more than 25 years, he worked at university, a scientific center for risk research, in the countries of Europe, the CIS, and the Middle East.
  • taught at universities in Warsaw and Berlin;
  • worked in France and Germany on the development of industrial security information technologies and management systems on behalf of the government of the state of Lower Saxony.

Scientific work

The scientific work of the department is carried out in the following directions: development of information technologies in applied industries and production, development of models and methods of information collection, processing and transformation in decision support systems, mass service, logistics, etc. Scientific developments and software tools, which are created at the department are used in the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, energy, medicine, etc.