Director of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National UnivertsityPublishing House
Loriia Maryna Hennadiivna
- m_loria@snu.edu.ua
- +38 (050) 218 04 78
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University has time-tested traditions of book publishing. For many years, the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University had editorial and publishing departments at the educational and scientific parts. In April 1993, it was decided to create a university publishing house and strengthen the printing production, and in 1998 all publishing and printing facilities of the university were united in its structure.
The publishing house is included in the State Register of publishers, manufacturers and distributors of publishing products, has its own identifier in the International Standard Book Numbering system ISBN.
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Publishing House was formed with the aim of organizing publishing activities at the University, providing the educational process with scientific and educational-methodical literature, disseminating the results of scientific research of the University staff.
The Publishing House consists of:
Editorial Department of scientific and educational literature:
- proofreading, literary editing of scientific and educational literature;
- providing consulting assistance to authors in the preparation of the manuscript;
- assignment of the International Standard Number (ISBN);
- distribution of compulsory free copies of publications.
Technical editing department:
- layout of educational, reference and scientific literature;
- development of cover design;
- adaptation of original layouts of periodicals and other printed products to the peculiarities of production.
Department of the seal:
- replication of printed products;
- copying and scanning;
- preparation of covers.
The publishing house produces the following types of products: educational, reference, scientific periodical and non-periodical literature, accounting journals and other printing.
The publishing house carries out a full production cycle:
- expert evaluation and editing of the manuscript;
- creation of original layout, adaptation of illustrative material, development of cover design;
- pre-press preparation;
- replication by means of black and white and color digital printing, copying and risography;
- binding and finishing works.
The technical capabilities of the publishing house allow for black and white printing on office and coated paper up to A3 format inclusive, binding, stapling, lamination.