Dean of Faculty
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
- kuzmenko@snu.edu.ua
- +380506226730
Our email
е-mail: itl@snu.edu.ua
Secretariat of the Deanery:
Secretary – Pavlenko Svitlana
Contacts: tel. +380505958061
Dean’s office manager / Dispatcher – Kortieva Olena
Contacts: tel. +380500273811
Our email:
Head of the department – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Contacts: tel. +380509993260; E-mail: klimash@snu.edu.ua
Introductory word the department
The Department provides training at the degrees of higher education Bachelor and Master for both full-time and distance form of study in the following fields:
- Railway Transport
- Road Transport
- Transportation Technologies
- Industrial Engineering
- Railway Transport (major: Locomotives and Locomotive Economy);
- Road Transport (major: Automobiles and Automobile Economy);
- Transportation Technologies (major: Transportation Systems);
- Industrial Engineering (major: Truck, Road, Construction, Land Development Machinery and Equipment).
General information about the Department
The Department trains students in accordance with the new set of educational and scientific majors under educational programs in 2 fields: 27 – Transport (3 majors) and 13 – Mechanical Engineering (1 major). Also, graduates of the department can improve their educational degree in postgraduate studies. The staff of the department includes 4 Doctors of Technical Sciences, 16 Candidates of Sciences, 6 Professors, 13 Associate Professors, 4 Senior Lecturers and 1 Assistant. Teachers of the department are trained in scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine and in the University of Žilina (Slovakia). The main objects of activity of graduates of our department according to majors:
Railway rolling stock: locomotives, wagons, diesel and electric trains, etc. The graduate’s activity is possible in other areas related to transport and other equipment, which has a certain structural and technological unity, or resemblance to the main objects of its activity. For example, trams, subway trains, mining, quarry, industrial, other and types of rail rolling stock.
According to the degree of educational and professional training, the right to occupy certain posts of engineering, technical and administrative staff is granted:
- in the field of manufacture, technical operation and repair of railway rolling stock – master or technologist in the shop;
- in the manufacturing and production-technical departments of enterprises and institutions, in the departments of labor protection and safety, standardization, planning, etc;
- in small and joint enterprises of various forms of ownership, cooperatives, farms, subsidiary farms, and other enterprises related to the operation and repair of rail rolling stock and other equipment, mechanic of the workshop, depot, management, etc;
- in branch research institutions and higher educational institutions – senior laboratory assistant or junior researcher;
- in design departments and institutions – designer of the 3rd category;
- in general education and higher education institutions of the first and second degrees of accreditation – a teacher of disciplines that correspond to the professional direction of the specialist;
- in commercial and other structures related to the sale of equipment, as well as in advertising agencies of the same profile of the referent, sales assistant or manager.
Road transport: samples of road transport equipment for various purposes, infrastructure facilities; regulatory and technical documentation on equipment, technology of road transport and infrastructure facilities; methods and means of creation, operation, repair and quality control of road transport facilities in general, as well as their individual units, subsystems and parts.
According to the degree of educational and professional training, the right to occupy certain posts of engineering, technical and administrative staff in the following manufacturing areas is granted:
- Manufacture of motor vehicles
- Trade in motor vehicles
- Trade in cars and passenger vehicles
- Trade in other motor vehicles
- Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- Trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles
- Passenger land transport of urban and suburban traffic
- Provision of taxi services
- Cargo road transport
Transportation technologies (transport systems): transport systems and technologies of transport modes (road, rail, sea, pipeline, urban), their interaction; transport systems of industrial hubs, regions, cities, points of interaction of transport modes, in ports and custom terminals; transshipment complexes, transport infrastructure facilities.
According to the degree of educational and professional training, the right to occupy certain posts of engineering, technical and administrative staff at the bachelor’s degree is granted:
- Technician-technologist
- Dispatcher
- Road transport dispatcher
- Wagon depot dispatcher
- Dispatcher of international transportation
- Dispatcher of the enterprise (district) networks
- Dispatcher of transportation service
- Station dispatcher
- Stevedore
- Engineer-inspector for fuel use control
- Technician-inspector for fuel use control
- Train dispatcher
- Dispatcher-inspector
- Engineer on traffic safety
- Engineer-inspector
- Inspector on operational, manufacturing, technical and organizational issues
- Inspector of road transport
- Inspector of weighing facilities
- Inspector of traffic safety
- Cargo surveyor
- Technical inspector
- Broker
- Agent for customs clearance of cargo and goods
- Agent for the transfer of cargo at the border station (point)
- Agent for public orders for transportation
- Administrator of passenger service
- Cargo forwarder transport
- Duty officer at the Cargo forwarding enterprise
At the master’s degree: chief specialist; chief engineer in transport; director of transport, head of departments; head of the station; head of the transport department; head of the dispatch service; head of the traffic safety department; head of the transshipment complex, container terminal; (transport) system developer; research engineer.
Industrial engineering (major: truck, road, construction, land development machines and equipment): processes, equipment and organization of industrial engineering manufacturing of truck, road, construction, land development machines and equipment; means and methods of testing and quality control and reliability of truck, road, construction, land development machines and equipment; systems of technical documentation, metrology and certification.
According to the degree of educational and professional training, the rights to occupy posts are granted:
- heads of enterprises and organizations
- chief engineers
- chief mechanics
- designers
- technical experts
- inspectors of state regulatory authorities.
History of the Department
The Department of Railway, Road Transport and Truck Machines was founded by the order of the Rector on August 8, 2016, but has a rich and varied history. It combined the staff of the Departments of Railway Transport, Road Transport, Transport Systems, Truck Machinery. Each of these departments had its own history of formation for more than one decade.
The Department of Railway Transport as a structural unit was officially founded in 1960 as the Department of Locomotive Engineering and it was one of the first in our university. Back in the pre-war years, the College, later turned into an Institute, became a forge for engineering professionals. Its manufacturing base was the October Revolution Luhansk Plant, now the Luhanskteplovoz holding company. For more than 45 years, the Department has a postgraduate and doctoral studies, a specialized Council for the Defense of Candidate and Doctoral Dissertations in the major Rolling Stock of Railways and Train Traction.
The Department of Transport Systems is the successor of the Department of Industrial Transport, which was opened at Luhansk Engineering Institute in 1969.
The Department of Truck Equipment was founded in 1972 and since 1978 has been the leading Ukraine department for training specialists in the field of crane construction.
The Department of Road Transport was founded in 1967 and since then has graduated more than 3000 specialists.
At present, the joint staff of the united departments fruitfully performs the tasks of educational activities and scientific research. The quality of the educational process performed by the teaching staff of the Department is confirmed by the achievements of its graduates, including 3 rectors of our university (who led the University to the Top 30 in Ukraine), vice-rectors of universities, heads of the largest enterprises of the Luhansk Oblast, administrative leaders of the Oblast. Many of the currently working heads of Departments, directors of institutes are graduates of the Department.
The Department has the State Prize in Science and Technology (2004), the Presidential Prize for Young Scientists (2012), the Presidential Grant for Gifted Youth (2 grants in 2007, 1 – in 2009), the Grant of the President of Ukraine for Scientific Research by Young Scientists (2013), Scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (5 scholarships), which were a significant contribution of the Department to the University’s status of research and recognition of its high status in the scientific and educational community of Ukraine. Through the work with student youth, students of the Department take prizes in international scientific and practical conferences, competitions of student research papers (2 first places and 4 second and third over the past 5 years), become winners of all-Ukrainian Olympiads in subjects and areas of training, receive scholarships from the Zavtra.ua Foundation. Over the years of existence of the Dissertation Council, about 16 doctoral and 60 candidate dissertations have been defended. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are available at the department. Forms of education: full-time and distant. Financing: budget and contract.
Bachelor’s degree disciplines:
Cargo Transportation, Basic Theory of Transport Processes and Systems, Research of Operations in Transport Systems, Passenger Transportation, Vehicles, Customs Security, Basic Geodesy and Design of Railways, Logistics, Railway Vehicle Maintenance, Vehicle Reliability and Diagnostics, Structural Analysis, Basics of Vehicle Calculation, Vehicle Technical Operation, Car Service, Maintenance and Repair, Technical Basics for creating truck, road, construction and land development, Cranes, Crane Reliability, Construction mechanics and others.
Disciplines of master’s training:
Technology and Management of Railway Sections and Directions, Methods of Scientific Research, Interoperability and Safety in Railway Transport, Supply Chain Management, Transport Economics, Modern Information Technologies in the Management of Railway Departments, Methodology, Organization and Conduct of Experimental Research on Motor Vehicles, Certification of Railway Systems and Subsystems, Regulatory Framework of the European Union in the Field of Railway Transport, TIS for Cargo Management, Experiment Planning, etc.
Scientific work
The scientific school Development of Scientific Bases and Theory of Creation of Highly Efficient Means of Rail Transport works at the Department. The general management of the school is supervised by O. Holubenko, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Recently, the issues of using control and regulation systems to affect the contact interaction processes of the wheel with the rail and the reliability of the crew have been studied in depth by 2 doctoral students and 7 postgraduate students. The first direction of research work, headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Horbunov, is devoted to improve the traction and dynamic performance of locomotives, reducing the wear of wheels and rails, as well as optimizing the parameters of the crew unit to increase their energy efficiency in the design and management of their operation. The second area of research work, headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor V. Mohyla, is focused on increasing the energy efficiency of diesel locomotive power plants by improving the combustion processes by ozonation of fuel and lubricants, as well as improving the characteristics of diesel locomotive heat exchangers and systems. Every year the Department performs several research works of both fundamental and applied directions. In particular, in 2016, the Department carried out three research projects in the area of Railway Transport by two industry laboratories and lecturers of the Department.
Every year the scientific developments of the Department take part in the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time”, where gold and silver medals were received.
Every year a conference of the teaching staff is held, where the scientific research of teachers is discussed.
Also, the department annually holds the International Scientific and Technical Conferences “Problems of Rail Transport Development”, “Problems of Transport Systems and Logistics Development”, as well as the All-Ukrainian Student Conference “Problems and Development of Transport Systems from the Point of View of Youth”. The conferences are annually attended by about 100 delegates from seven countries: Ukraine, Russia, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Finland and the USA. The Department actively conducts research work with students under the guidance of teachers. Projects for grants of the President of Ukraine for gifted youth are applied annually. Students of the department actively participate in the scholarship program of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation “Zavtra UA”, in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, which is held in spring.
The Department pays great attention to the training of its own highly qualified staff. The training of Candidates and Doctors of Sciences is carried out in the majors 05.22.07 – Rolling Stock of Railways and Traction of Trains, 05.22.12 – Industrial Transport at the Department. There is a specialized Academic Council D29.051.03 for the defense of dissertations of Candidates and Doctors of Sciences.

Dean of Faculty
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- nchernetska@snu.edu.ua
- +380507453630
Our email:
Introductory word about the Department
The department provides training at the degrees of higher education Bachelor and Master for both full-time and distance form of study in the following fields:
- 275.02 “Transport Technologies (on Railway Transport)”;
- 275.03 “Transport Technologies (on Road Transport)”;
- 275.02 “Transport Technologies (on railway transport)”;
- 275.03 “Transport Technologies and Management on Road Transport”;
- 273 Railway transport. “Interoperability and Safety in Railway Transport”.
General information about the department
It is not a secret for anyone that transport is the blood artery of the state. Without a developed transport infrastructure, the effective functioning of any of the spheres of activity is impossible. Therefore, the availability of qualified management staff in the transport industry is simply a must.
Graduates of our Department can be involved in the development, organization and management of work in transport; interaction of different types of transport on main and international lines; dispatching and traffic control in transport; organization of suburban and international passenger traffic; organization of cargo transportation in transport; development of logistics systems and traffic flows, etc.
History of the department
The Department of Logistics Management and Transport Safety was founded in 2007 and was called Organization of Transportation and Railway Transport Management. According to the Order of the University “On expanding the range of educational services in the 2014/2015 academic year” dated 11.07.2014 №786-04, the Department of Organization of Transportation and Management of Railway Transport in 2014 changed its name to Logistics Management and Traffic Safety in Transport. Head of the Department Chernetska-Biletska Nataliia Borysivna – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering.
Forms of education: full-time and distant. Form of funding: budget and contract.
Information about the head of the Department
Natalia Chernetska-Biletska has been the head of the Department since 2007.
Natalia has a wide range of scientific and teaching interests. The main of them is the technology of preparation, transportation and combustion of water-coal fuel, which is one of the most effective alternative fuels that allows to fully use the energy potential of Donetsk region.
Natalia Borysivna was born on November 16, 1961 in Luhansk. In 1983 she graduated with honors from Voroshilovgrad Machine Building Institute and received a degree in industrial transport engineering. Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1998. She defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at the Ukrainian Transport University on the topic “Improving the Reliability and Refinement of Methods for Forecasting the Durability of Pipeline Hydraulic Equipment for Bulk Cargoes”, major 05.22.12 – Industrial Transport. She received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Technologies in 2001.
She defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2006 at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University on the topic “System Analysis and Forecasting of the Resource of Industrial Pipeline Hydraulic Transport” in the major 05.22.12 – Industrial Transport.
Nataliia Chernetska-Biletska began her teaching career in 1997, held the positions of Junior Researcher, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor. In 2006, the Department of Organization and Management of Railway Transport was founded at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (since 2014 – Logistics Management and Transport Safety). In addition, from 2013 to 2016 Natalia held the position of Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Chernetska-Biletska has more than 200 scientific works, including patents for utility models (37 patents), scientific papers in publications indexed in international reference databases (5 articles) in professional and international publications (more than 100 articles), reports at scientific conferences and seminars (48 reports), monographs (5 monographs), textbooks (6 textbooks), etc.
Under the scientific supervision of Natalia Chernetska-Biletska 6 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences and 1 doctoral dissertation were defended.
Nataliia constantly improves her own scientific and professional level and undergoes internships abroad, about which she has the relevant documents. In 2016, she completed an internship at the University of Economics (Varna, Bulgaria) under the program “Innovative Logistics of Transport Technology”, Certificate No. 00005, 2016, and in 2018 – at the I. Lukasiewicz Rzeszow Polytechnic University (Rzeszow, Poland) under the program “Innovative Logistics Technologies: European experience and its implementation in the training of transport industry specialists”, Certificate R2-18/1018.
He is a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, a member of the Academic Council of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and the Academic Council D 29.051.03 at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Contacts: tel. +380507453630, e-mail: nchernetska@snu.edu.ua
Disciplines of bachelor’s training:
Road Transport Work Management. Railway Transport Work Management. General Course of Transport. Basics of Transport Economics. Passenger Transportation and Organization of Railway Stations. Passenger Transportation and Planning of Bus Stations. Cargo Transportation (Road Transport). Cargo Transportation (Railway Transport). Interaction of transport modes. Design of Transport and Warehouse Complexes. Organization of Customs Control and Customs Security. Railway Stations and Junctions. Technical and Economic Support of Transport Processes.
Disciplines of master’s training:
Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research. Research work of Students. Methodology of Analysis and Selection of the Optimal Quality/Cost Ratio of Technical Solutions. Risks: Analysis of Consequences and Prevention. Certification of Enterprises According to Safety Standards. Simulation Modeling of Railway Transport Processes. Simulation Modeling of Road Transport Processes. Traffic Safety Management in Transport Systems. Information Support of Cargo and Passenger Transportation. The Role of Staff in Ensuring Safety Standards and its Certification. Comparative Analysis of Railway Systems and Subjects of Functioning and Management. The Principle of Interoperability and its Use in Different Types of Transport. Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research. Supply Chain Management. Project Analysis. Intelligent Transport Systems. Modeling of Traffic Flows.
Teachers of the department
Сфери професійної діяльності випускників та можливі посади
Scientific work
The priority of research includes energy saving in transport, improvement of transport and logistics systems and cargo forwarding activities. The results of the performed scientific research are widely reflected in teaching activities.
Chernetska-Biletska N. was the head of the scientific topics DN-27-06 “Substantiation and Development of Theoretical Foundations for the Creation of Energy-Intensive and Ecological Sedimentation-Stable Water-Coal Fuel” (2006, state registration number 0209U002228), DN-15-09 “Study of the Laws of Preparation and Transportation of Water-Coal Fuel from Raw Materials of Domestic Producer” (2009, state registration number 0109U000075) and DN-03-15 “Development of the Theory and Improvement of the Efficiency of Energy Processes in the Systems of Preparation, Transportation and Combustion of Water-Coal Fuel” (2015-2017); state budget topic under the State Scientific and Technical Program “Resource” KGN 20-07 “Forecasting and Increasing the Resource of Pipeline Fittings for Industrial Hydraulic Transport of Solid Materials” (2007, state registration number 0107U006878)).
N. Chernetska-Biletska supervises the pre-diploma internships of students majoring in 275 “Transport Technologies (by type)” and 273 “Interoperability and Safety in Railway Transport”; bachelor’s and master’s qualification works, preparation of students for participation in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, contests. Under the guidance of the department’s lecturers, students of the department have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of international and national competitions and conferences.
In addition, the Department is the host of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Globalization of Scientific and Educational Space. Transport innovations. Problems, Experience, Prospects” and the All-Ukrainian Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientists “Logistics Management and Traffic Safety in Transport”.
The Department is constantly working to improve the methodological support of the educational process: participates in the development of new and adjustment of existing educational programs, curricula, development of textbooks, manuals.

Head of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Tatarchenko Halyna
- tatarchenko@snu.edu.ua
- +380666279753
Our e-mail:
Introductory word about the Department The department provides training at the degrees of higher education Bachelor and Master for both full-time and distance form of study in the following majors:
105 “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials”
132 “Materials Science”
192 “Construction and Civil Engineering”
General information about the Department
The Department trains specialists in according to the new composition of educational and scientific majors in the following educational programs: Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering, Materials Science and Applied Physics and Nanomaterials.
The Department provides all the disciplines of these majors; the lecturers have training experience in a number of technical specialties. The main purpose of the department is to provide future specialists with the skills to ensure economic activity by making sound decisions in the field of construction and municipal services, materials science and applied physics.
History of the Department
The Department of Construction, Urbanism and Spatial Planning was founded by the order of the Rector on February 01, 2003. It is one of the youngest departments in the university structure, consists of highly qualified staff, has a powerful and developed scientific and technological, research base and infrastructure for providing educational services of the European standard. The Department of Civil Engineering, Urbanism and Spatial Planning of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University is defined in Ukraine as the basic one for training specialists in the specialty “Urban Construction and Economy”.
The main Disciplines taught by the Department: Engineering geology and surveys
Engineering Geodesy and Surveys
Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Basics of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning
Basics of Technology of Water Treatment Processes
Technology and Organization of Construction Production
Construction Materials Science
Garden and Park and Landscape Construction
Complex Development and Engineering Improvement of Urban Areas
Special Course on the Durability of Concrete
Computer Technologies in Construction
Operation and Repair of Housing Stock
Water Supply and Drainage
Corrosion and Durability of Materials
Theoretical bases of Materials Science
Structural Analysis of Materials
Metal Science
Mechanical Properties and Structural Strength of Materials
Diagnostics and Defectoscopy of Materials and Products
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies
Corrosion and Protection of Materials
Powder and Composite Materials, Coatings
Steels with Special Properties
Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys
Expert studies of the causes of material destruction
Surface Treatment and Functional Coatings
Mechanics of Friction and Wear and Physical Basis of Restoration Methods
Computer Technologies in Materials Science and Powder Metallurgy
Wear-resistant Materials
Computer Technologies of Physical Experiment
Modern Problems and Experimental Methods of Nuclear Physics
Electronic Methods in Applied Physics
Introduction to Plasma Physics and Methods of its Research
ESM-experiment and Information Processing Machines
Physical Bases of Modern Technologies
Electronic Methods in Applied Physics
Computer Modelling of Physical Processes and Systems | Modern Spectrometry
Physicochemistry of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials
Processes of Obtaining Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology
Laser Technologies
Information about the head of the department
Tatarchenko Halyna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Alumni Association, Member of the Association of Corrosionists of Ukraine.
Research Interests: resistance of materials and protection against corrosion. Tatarchenko H. has more than 150 scientific works, including patents for utility models, scientific papers in professional and international publications, reports at scientific conferences and seminars, monographs, etc. Supervises the work of postgraduate students, as well as research work of students.
Contacts: tel. +38066279753, e-mail: tatarchenko@snu.edu.ua, tatarchenkogalina@gmail.com
Lecturers of the Department
![]() | Tatarchenko Halyna – Position – Head of the department – Academic title – Professor – scientific degree – Doctor of Technical Sciences – Work Experience (years) – 33 – Scientific Activity (areas of scientific research) – 1. Modern Technologies in Construction. 2. Corrosion Processes with the Participation of Ozone. – Publications (total number) – 160 – Contact information – 0666279753, 0734704391, tatarchenko@snu.edu.ua, tatarchenkogalina@gmail.com |
![]() | UVAROV PAVLO – Position – Associate Professor of the Department – Academic title – Associate Professor. – Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences – Work Experience (years) – 17 – Scientific Activity (areas of research) – 1.Organizational and Technological Design of Investment and Construction Activities. 2.Modern Technologies in Construction. – Publications (total number) – 81 – Contact information – 066 -627-9753, 073-470 -4391, uvarov@snu.edu.ua, budivelnik_caf@ukr.net |
![]() | BILOSHYTSKA NATALIIA – Position – Associate Professor of the Department – Academic title – Associate Professor. – Scientific Degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences. – Work experience (years) – 12 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Design of Metal Trusses from Combined Profiles. 2. Modern Technologies in Construction. – Publications (total number) – 41 – Contact information – 0666279753, 0734704391, beloshitska@snu.edu.ua, beloshitska@ukr.net |
![]() | KHOROSHUN HANNA – Position – Associate Professor of the Department– Academic title – Associate Professor. – Scientific Degree – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics – Work Experience (years) – 12 – Scientific Activity (areas of research) – 1. Phase Singularities in the Diffracted Light Field. 2. Modern Technologies in Construction. – Publications (total number) – 32 – Contact information – 0666279753, 0734704391, horoshun@snu.edu.ua, an_khor@i.ua |
![]() | BILOSHYTSKYI MYKOLA – Position – Associate Professor of the Department – Academic title – Associate Professor. – Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences – Work experience (years) – 10 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Creation of Fine Powder Materials by Methods of Intensive Plastic Deformation. 2. Modern Technologies in Construction – Publications (total number) – 71 – Contact information – 066 -627-9753, 073-470 -4391, beloshicky@snu.edu.ua, beloshitskiynik@ukr.net |
![]() | SOKOLENKO VALERII – Position – Associate Professor– Academic title – Associate Professor – Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences – Work experience (years) – 38 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Actual Problems of Reconstruction of Buildings and Structures, 2. Complex Reconstruction of Urban Development, 3. Urban Development of the System of Settlements of the Luhansk Region. – Publications (total number) – 90 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, sokolenko_1@snu.edu.ua, 13wms13@ukr.net |
![]() | MEDVID IVAN – Position – Associate Professor – Academic title – Associate Professor – Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences – Work Experience (years) – 43 – Scientific Activity (research areas) – 1.Strength of Structural Materials – Publications (total number) – 75 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, iw.medwed@snu.edu.ua, iw.medwed@yandex.ua |
![]() | FILATIEV MYKHAILO – Position – Associate Professor– Academic title – Associate Professor – Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Sciences – Work Experience (years) – 8 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Geodetic Support of Work in Construction, 2. Computer-aided Design Technologies in Construction, 3. Labor Protection in the industry, 4. Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. – Publications (total number) – 76 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, filatev@snu.edu.ua |
![]() | PIDDUBNYI SERHII – Position – Senior Lecturer – Work experience (years) – 38 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Actual Problems of Use and Development of Building Materials in Construction, 2. Construction Materials Science, 3. Building Physics. – Publications (total number) – 24 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, piddubnij@snu.edu.ua, poddubniys@ukr.net |
![]() | SHPARBER MARYNA – Position – Senior Lecturer of the Department – Work experience (years) – 11 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Development of Investment and Construction Activities. 2. Modern Technologies in Construction. – Publications (total number) – 25 – Contact information – 066 -627-9753, 073-470 -4391, shparber@snu.edu.ua, shparber_m@ukr.net |
![]() | DYSKOVSKA TETIANA – Position – Assistant – Work experience (years) – 3 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Basics of Water Treatment – Publications (total number) – 8 – Contact Information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, diskovska@snu.edu.ua, disco2105@gmail.com |
![]() | FURSOVA OLHA – Position – Assistant – Work experience (years) – 1 – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1. Engineering Geology and Surveys – Publications (total number) – 1 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, fursova@snu.edu.ua, metmashdtu@gmail.com |
![]() | SOKOLENKO KOSTIANTYN – Position – Assistant– Work experience (years) – – Scientific activity (areas of research) – 1.Territorial Organization and Urban Planning, Development of the System of Settlements of Luhansk region. – Publications (total number) – 7 – Contact information – 066-627-97-53, 073-470-43-91, sokolenko@snu.edu.ua |
Scientific work
At the Department of Civil Engineering, Urbanism and Spatial Planning there is a wide range of forms of organization of scientific research work: implementation of research work on state budget topics, participation in international, national, regional and university scientific and practical, scientific and methodological conferences; preparation and publication of scientific and methodological recommendations, textbooks and monographs, publications of articles and abstracts, establishment of scientific relations with higher educational institutions of Ukraine and abroad; research work on the development of new technologies in the field of construction, urban planning and spatial planning.
The main directions of the scientific work of the department include: corrosion and durability of materials, resistance of materials and protection against corrosion, powder and composite materials, coatings, wear-resistant materials, research of the structure and properties of modern structural materials, building materials and products, landscaping, technology and organization of construction production, methods and technologies of urban reconstruction. Student science is one of the most powerful factors in ensuring the quality of education of students of the department. The involvement of students in research and practical work is a priority for the development of the Department. The main forms of such work are the preparation of diploma papers on acute problems in the field of construction and urban economy, materials science, applied physics and nanomaterials; participation in scientific and practical conferences; implementation of research work on the subject of the Department. The scientific work of students is performed in accordance with the professional direction and topics of scientific research of the Department.